Site Work

The Foundation of Every Project

Paragon’s site prep services lay the groundwork for successful construction by ensuring the site is properly prepared for the next phases of development.

New Construction from the Ground Up

With Paragon as your partner, you can expect a close client/contractor collaboration. Our expert team will help you to navigate the infinite choices and difficult decisions to find the perfect balance of form, function and value.

Licensed, bonded and insured, we deliver on-time and on-budget
to assure the highest standards are met with the best warranties and strongest guarantees in the business.

build site being dug to lay foundation
Aerial view of the moments

Excavation, Site Clearing, and Grading

Paragon’s Excavation, Site Clearing, and Grading services offer a comprehensive approach to preparing construction sites. Our excavation expertise ensures precise digging and trenching for foundations and utilities. Site clearing removes vegetation, debris, and obstacles, providing a clean slate for development. Grading services level and slope the land properly for effective drainage. With Paragon’s proficiency, clients can rely on a solid foundation for their construction projects.

Site Preparation Process

  • Evaluate the Site
  • Survey the Site
  • Develop the Site Design Plan
  • Create Site Access Points
  • Clear the Site
  • Install Drainage and Erosion System Controls
  • Grade and Compact the Site
The moments cosntruction project begins